/ 新闻

全自动药品胶囊泡罩包装装盒机的泡罩包装工艺需要成型模、泡罩切割模和热封工具。其工艺步骤是:①将厚度为0.127~0.38mm的塑料薄膜片在环氧树脂模具或内冷铝模中加热抽真空,形成泡罩腔;②模切后放入热封装置;③将产品放入泡罩腔中;④ 将涂有热封焊剂型涂料的纸板面朝下放入热封装置中,用定位销定位,确保纸板与罩壳的胶接准确;⑤将热封工具移到热封区,在压力(120~204℃)下加热1.5~3s,薄膜纸板是粘在一起的。

capsule blister packaging machine





Plastic film packaging machine which made by pharmaceutical machineries manufacturers is a relatively new packaging form promoted in China in recent years. It has a plastic bubble on one side and an aluminum box on the other, which is also called bubble single packaging or type cover packaging. It is also called penetrating packaging because it puts force on the plastic blister when taking out the package to make the package pierce through the aluminum foil. Commonly known as blisters.





pharmaceutical capsule blister packaging and cartoning machine


Nowadays, the demands of customers are constantly rising. Not only do they put forward stricter requirements on the quality and performance of products, but also have more personalized demands in terms of the dosage of packaging and the aesthetics of the packaging appearance. Therefore, medical packaging machinery is introduced. With the rapid development of the industry, various types of automatic blister packing machine emerge in endlessly.

At present, the packaging industry in the pharmaceutical industry is developing towards full automation. The large-scale adoption of automatic packaging machinery, automatic cartoning machine and automatic packaging lines can meet the requirement of low cost. Relevant experts pointed out that in order to meet the rapidly increasing packaging demand, relevant companies must increase technical research and product innovation of specialized packaging lines to better grasp the development opportunities in the domestic market.
